First Tooth!

West got his first tooth on March 4th. It was cute to see the corner finally pop through. He didn't complain much before it's arrival. Thank goodness for Hylands teething tablets! We tried to get a picture of it but he wasn't having it. It is the right center bottom one (if that makes any sense to anyone).

Presidents Day Outing

Muir had the Monday off for Presidents Day, so we decided to drive up the coast to San Juan Capistrano. Here we are at Sarducci's, this restaurant was so neat. You eat in the old train depot and trains go by right outside the windows. West loved the loud horns and children everywhere. It was a fun way to start our day out. (there was a train going by in this picture, that's why West is looking outside)

Then we were off to Zoomars. It is right across the tracks from the downtown area of San Juan Capistrano. West loved his first petting zoo experience. The baby goats were his favorites.

Valentines Day

A little hug before we headed out on a Valentines Date. This was our first time leaving him with Grandma & Grandpa Tinnerstet. We can't believe we waited 8 months. What losers.

Reef and Tide stopped by and dropped off their Valentines for West.